Instructions for authors of accepted papers

Main guidelines

  • Modify your paper according to the comments of the reviewers.
  • Follow strictly the formatting style of Springer LNCS Series. More info about the style, together with the templates for LaTeX or Word can be found at Springer website.
  • Remember, that the papers can have max. 10 pages LNCS style. You can have max TWO extra pages, for extra charge 2000 CZK or 75 EUR per page.

Submit camera ready paper

ISMIS’09 uses EasyChair‘s Proceedings facility to gather camera-ready versions of accepted papers. To submit the camera ready version, you need to upload the following files

  1. A zip file (with the extension .zip) containing either
    1. the LaTeX source required to produce your paper with all the associated style files, special fonts and eps or bib files and all non-standard or local packages, or
    2. Microsoft Word file in the RTF format
  2. PDF version of your paper (when preparing the proceedings, Springer will do some formatting like adding running heads, page numbers etc., so this file will be used for checking purposes only)
  3. A signed copyright form. Use the local version of the copyright form that already includes the title of the volume and the names of editors.  The copyright form can be signed by one author on behalf of all co-authors. Please print, fill-in, sign, scan and upload the copyright form (in JPEG or PDF format).


Check also the names of all authors of the paper. It should be clear which of the authors’ names are first names and which are surnames (and if they have more than one surname, under which surname the author wishes to be listed in the author index).

Uploading steps
  1. Log-in to EasyChair.
  2. On the first screen, choose “proceedings author”.
  3. Click on “Paper ###” in the top menu, where ### is your paper id.
  4. Click on “Submit a new version” in the right menu.
  5. Input the required pieces of information and submit.
  6. Double-check author information using the “Update authors” link in the right menu. For each author then press the “Update information on….” button and check/correct the fields “First name” and “Surname”. If an author has more than one surname, he will be listed in the index under the first one that appears in the field “Surname”.


The submission deadline for the camera-ready papers is *** JUNE, 15 ***

Register to ISMIS'09

One of the authors must register for the conference, otherwise the paper will not be included in the proceedings. The early registration deadline is June, 15. The registration info and registration form are already available. Do not forget to give the id of your paper in the registration form.

If you have more than one paper accepted, you have to pay an extra fee 7100 CZK or 255 EUR for each additional paper. You have also to pay for an extra page (up to two pages) a fee 2000 CZK or 75 EUR per page.

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